Kids Halo/Goddess Twist and Braids Protective Style

Now, I am not a hairdresser, beautician, hairstylist, etc. but I am someone who had a daughter and had to learn rather quickly how to do hair. Shoot I was still a novice at doing my hair (still kinda am πŸ™ˆ). 

Watch to see how I created this easy yet cute protective style for my daughter's hair. It was easy to manage and it did not take me long to finish her hair. I ended up braiding  her halo/goddess twist because the twist started to undo itself and her curls were curling out of the twist.

The products I used are Cantu Care for Kids Curling Cream, Cantu Care for Kids Styling Custard, and the 100% Pure and Natural with Herbs and Shea Butter hair product that I sell on this site under the store tab.